So I have beaten the internet gods who were trying to keep me away from my precious internet!! I am now online at Erica's house which I have been trying to get working for a month now! But its up and running! Mostly Im excited so I can talk to you all more! Oh yea...and do research and homework...blah blah blah! haha
Tonight I'm headed to a rugby game with Andy and some of his buddies! Should be a good time! Then a German friend of mine is having a "house warming" party saturday because she moved into her new apartment last week! So should be fun as well! Then next week I'm going to work a little for Erica's mom basically handing out crap! But it's like $20/hour! So I don't mind the moolah! Also...I did get a real job! At the international office at Macquarie, working with the PR marketing people! I start the 8th of September! Im excited for that as well! So all in all....things are GREAT!
I hope you are all well! Miss each and everyone of you!
(im also including a pic of andy and I from a fun night on the town! and pic of a burly aussie man chopping wood at this woodchop festival we went to in andys town! so funny! cheers!)
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