Thursday, September 15, 2005

Busy from here on out....

So starting next week I will have two weeks off from school. Which sounds awesome...but I have a bunch of assignments that are due after the break...and I'll pretty much be busy with other assignments when break is over! GEEZZZZ...don't these people know I'm here to have fun!? haha Well...thats not 100% true...but I wish it was!

I have to shoot a silent film and an interview for my Video Production class, which is proving to be harder than I thought. Not that the class is tough, but shooting a video on your own...not so easy! And all the editing time...WOAH! But hey...I'll take than any day over writing a 10 page paper about development communication in developing countries! Yeah...not so much fun that class! Then I have to write some BS paper about a film we watched in my Intercultural class called Wedding Banquet. (funny...sounds just like a class i took at marist....) I mean the movie was cool enough, but I just don't really wanna use all these theories to analyze it! blah.

Other than that...things with Andy and others good! Andy's friend Simon is getting married in a few I'm thinking of buying a new dress! YAY! although the wedding (as i think I told some of you) is at 7:30 am on the beach! How the H am I supposed to look nice at that time of the AM! Plus...the beach is like SUPER far for me to get I think I'm staying at Andy's and hitching a ride with his rents! I think I'll straighten it the night before...and wake up and re-straighten! haha nice and clean!
Andy came over last night and had dinner with me--the first one in my new apartment! And he brought me a treat...Tim Tam ice cream!!!! And let me tell you....AMAZING! Thank god for boyfriends! haha
Then I went to the Epping Hotel with Mike Mayfield (marister who is over here now...lives near me). We played some trivia with the weirdo and totally lost...but decided that that would be our new tuesday night thing to do! 1st prize is $50 so thats not too shabby!
Not too sure what the weekend has in store....but I start my new job at the International Office tomorrow!!! Very excited! YAY! Can't wait to get some MOOLAH!!!!

Ok...thats long enough for now...but if you don't hear from me for a few weeks....thats cause I'm writing 15 pagers about development communication in crappy little countries!!


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I've Moved!!

Hello all!

So I have moved from Erica's house to a suburb called Epping! My new address for you all to write me is:
1/64 Oxford Street
Epping, NSW 2121

So Erica is moving out of her house in about 2 weeks or so! And she is very excited as well! It will be cool for her to be away from home for once! Her parents are annoying as anything! But anyway...I'm out and loving it! The two sisters I live with are Aussie's from Indonesia. The younger more outgoing one is Sonya (26). She works at a bank and is pretty cool! The other sister is nice but not quite as outgoing. Her name is Kiki (28), and she is a nurse from what I understand! But I think things are going to work out just fine! I don't know how long I'll stay there, but for now I'm liking it! I also am getting my new bed tomorrow which I can't wait for! If the chick isn't lying about it, it sounds like an absolutely amazing bed! We shall see!
I went to Big W (their = to Walmart!) today and got new towels and a shower caddy for my new ensuite!! That may be the most exciting part! Well, that and the fact that I won't be living in a half put together house where I have to walk to the toilet all the way across the house!! haha

Anyway...thats all there is really for now! Andy is great as per usual! He is going to a buck's turn this weekend (that = bachelor party)! So I'm sure it will be crazy! I think I'm going to a charity thing with his bro on Friday and to the city on Saturday. Should be good fun! I also need to start doing some work on my papers soon! AHHH! I almost forgot there was work involved with going to school! haha

ok....I'm out! Love and miss you all and hope to hear from you sooooon!