SO at the moment I am hating my computer because it won't pick up erica's wireless signal, therefore not allowing me to connect to the internet...something I desperately need and want back! I have been using the computers at school and at erica's house, but its not the same as having all day and enabling me to talk to you all at home! So I am not a happy camper. Also...the last few days have been a serious shocker as I look at all the assignments Im meant to do between now and the end of november! It's just sad really because I could have been done and had a job making money! Oh well...Im very happy I came back over...and I love the classes...I just wish there was no work involved! Kinda like Marist when I was there! haha
Anyway...Im still in the process of trying to get my job at the INternational office. Im meeting with the public relations director tomorrow, so we shall see how that all goes! Hopefully well! Not that Im running out of money, but I will be in a few months if I don't get a job! Plus, I want to travel to New Zealand sometime in my long summer break (December-Feb) so I need to save for that! Andy said he would like to go as well because he has a friend there that he hasn't seen in a long time! So that should be cool!
Things are good with him as well. He is at school as well, two days a week and not really enjoying it! He says he's still in holiday mode and probably won't come out of it just because this is his last semester! He also works 3 days a week laboring with this Scottish dude! He's funny. But he gets paid really $17/hour! Wish I made that! Well..maybe I will!
Also...his 96 year old grandma is very sick at the moment. She had to go to the hospital the other day when I was there, and it was a little sad because andy's mom was just so nervous and upset. I feel bad for her, but at the same time, she worries a little too much about it. Anyway...we shall see how she goes. Either she will get better and come back to andys house, or she will pass away in the hospital. I'll keep you updated.
So...nothing else is really new! I think im making these posts too boring for you all! I need to start making things up! Altough I could tell you about all the going out and drinking Im doing...but thats all the same really!
So I will stop boring you all and say farewell for now! But I miss and love you all! Hope this finds you well (if anyone in fact is reading this!)