So Andy and I had yet another wedding to attend two weekends ago! It was a lot of fun! Much more like a traditional wedding than the one we went to before! By traditional I mean dinner was served and alocohol was provided! And it was at night! We went to the ceremony about 3pm. Then the reception was at 7 down at this really nice hotel by the beach! We got there a little early, so sat in a pub down the road and had a few beers! Then we went to the hotel where we were greeted with "drinks on the terrace!" Then on to the reception! Which was a blast! Everyone drank, danced, and ate into the night! Lots and lots of fun! (Some pics here of our table, Andy and I, and the bride and groom!)
As you all know....Thanksgiving is just round the corner! So , since I can't be home to celebrate, I made a yummy dinner for Andy and his family on Monday night! (Pictures included!) It was Sue and Barry (Mr and Mrs Cole), Andy, Ben, Imogen (Bennys GF) and I! Also, sadly, I had to cook a chicken because I didn't think of it ahead of time so there was no time to defrost a turkey! But the chicken was yummy!
This weekend there isn't much on. I am starting my new job full time next week in the city! Looking forward to that! Then, next weekend is "Andy's Birthday weekend!" (Because evidently we need a whole weekend to celebrate turning 23!) We are heading to the horse races on the saturday and having a BBQ chill day sunday! SHould be fun, many pics to follow!
Anyway, love and miss you all! (To those who actually still check this thing...I think it's just you dad!)
lots of love, amy:-)