Hi there all!
I hope there are still a few of you still reading! I know it's been a while but I'm trying to get back into doing this every week if possible!!
So Andy's friend Simon got married this weekend to his high school sweetheart, Bethan! Pictures to be found here...
They had been together for 7 years, and last year while backpacking around Europe, Simon asked her to marry him when they were at the Eifel Tower!! So cute! So this weekend they were supposed to have their wedding on Shelly Beach in Manly (about 35 minutes from Andy's). The sad news was that it was crap weather so we had to have it inside:-( Regardless....it was an AWESOME time! They looked so happy and the ceremony was actually cool! The minister was very funny and he made it so personable. It was very nice! Then, since the wedding was at 7:30am we had a breakfast reception! It was soooo good! We had eggs, bacon, sausage, tomato, hash browns, danish, croisants, and of course champagne with orange juice or guava juice! Needless to say, it was AMAZING! Then there were speeches, cake, etc. Then the bride and groom left about 2:30pm to head to their hotel where they were just going to chill before they left for their honeymoon sunday morning. They were heading to Hamilton Island, not that I have any clue where that is or how nice it is! But i've heard its great! So...after they left, we went down to the pub that was part of the place where the wedding and reception were held. We got lots of drinks, played the poker machines (ps i won $105!!!! it was so exciting!!) Then we headed to Manly to the pub, but there was no one there seeing as it was only 7pm! By that time we were all pretty drunk though! Just since we'd been drinking since 10am! So then we got a ride home to a pub near Andy and everyone elses, but again, it was only 9pm so no one was there! So we got a kebab and went home! So we were home about 10! It was a great time though! Sunday we just got up and went to Hornsby (where I lived the first time I was here) to the shopping centre to get some things, then came back and had a BBQ and watched the cricket with the boys. All in all, it was a great weekend!
Now, its back to school this week and work! It's ok though because Im not that stressed any more with the papers! They all got handed in thank god! But now i have to worry about group projects which are the worst because no one lives near each other of course! AHHH! I miss the Marist campus!
Anyway, Im off to my apartment because I need to go for a run! I'm not feeling very skinny lately! But I've put some pics on here, and go to my website and see the rest. PS these are not my pics, they are andy's friend Mike's. (I got some developed but they weren't on disc so I couldn't bring them to put online:-( But these are good too!
love you all! talk to you next week!